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Produits agricole


Contaminant controlling agent

NUTRASPERSE is a cationic copolymer formulation with a superior dispersing capacity. It is made to prevent contamination of felts and wires through a passivation process. This technology prevents deposition of pitch, latex particles, inks, and synthetic glues by preventing agglomeration sending these troublesome stickies out with the pulp without causing any downtime cleaning. NUTRASPERSE is effective with both recycled and virgin pulp.

NUTRASPERSE is a cationic copolymer formulation with a superior dispersing capacity. It is made to prevent contamination of felts and wires through a passivation process. This technology prevents deposition of pitch, latex particles, inks, and synthetic glues by preventing agglomeration sending these troublesome stickies out with the pulp without causing any downtime cleaning. NUTRASPERSE is effective with both recycled and virgin pulp.


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