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Produits agricole



BIO-D-FOAM WW is a new anti-foaming product with a base of mineral oil and silicone specially designed to remove entrained air and foam formed on the surface of processed water in the pulp and paper industry as well as in wastewater treatment. The foam generated in the pulp and paper process can be very detrimental to the operation of the equipment and the paper machine. In addition, the quality of the paper can also be greatly affected. Air particles act as collectors for contaminants and can interfere with the removal of water from the paper machine. The use of an anti-foaming agent such as BIO-D-FOAM WW can greatly assist operations.

BIO-D-FOAM WW is a new anti-foaming product with a base of mineral oil and silicone specially designed to remove entrained air and foam formed on the surface of processed water in the pulp and paper industry as well as in wastewater treatment. The foam generated in the pulp and paper process can be very detrimental to the operation of the equipment and the paper machine. In addition, the quality of the paper can also be greatly affected. Air particles act as collectors for contaminants and can interfere with the removal of water from the paper machine. The use of an anti-foaming agent such as BIO-D-FOAM WW can greatly assist operations.


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