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Produits agricole



ENZY STARCH is a foaming enzymatic cleaner that removes starch layers on opened surfaces. It contains alpha-amylase which quickly hydrolyzes and breaks down starch into soluble dextrin and oligosaccharide. ENZY STARCH is used in various industries, including the starch, sugar and brewery industries, and pulp and paper. It is used for the liquefaction of starch in steam jet cookers or similar equipment.

ENZY STARCH is a foaming enzymatic cleaner that removes starch layers on opened surfaces. It contains alpha-amylase which quickly hydrolyzes and breaks down starch into soluble dextrin and oligosaccharide. ENZY STARCH is used in various industries, including the starch, sugar and brewery industries, and pulp and paper. It is used for the liquefaction of starch in steam jet cookers or similar equipment.


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